Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Update 8/21/19

The cicadas are singing earlier in the day, the shadows are getting longer, and students are flooding back into town.  The Fall semester is upon us!  With the return of college students, including many new internationals, we are looking to connect with those who may have use for some of the remaining furniture and appliances we have stored from the hotel buildings.  We have continued to give things through the care portal, and may be able to contribute some items to the HIS furniture giveaway coming up soon.  If you know of anyone wanting or needing a refrigerator or microwave at a discount price, let us know!

This week, our core building team will be receiving a proposal (like a bid) for initial concept drawings from an architect in town.  We will need to review that proposal and present it to the finance team before we give the go ahead.  Once the architect is able to move forward, the design team will be working from the pre-design document (facility plan) we put together for them.  It outlines our church's space needs, values, and desires as best as we understand them.  If you're interested in seeing the written facility plan the core building team diligently put together, you can read the full document HERE.

Lastly, many of you have likely noted that much rubble still remains on the property.  You can know that it has not been forgotten about.  We are working with our demolition contractor, who has been so kind and generous towards us, and he will be getting the lot cleaned up in the coming weeks.

God continues to graciously guide the multiple teams of people who are working on various tasks related to the property and future building.  What a humbling process it is to know that He is faithful and is zealous for His own glory.  May He continue to show Himself faithful to our church community as we take steps forward in faith.

Please continue to pray:
-For our potential architects and the work their design team will do soon.  Pray that God would guide their creativity and work, and that their hearts might be open to the gospel as they interact with people of New Hope.
-Pray for wisdom and clarity for all of the volunteer teams involved.  The finance team, the cultivating team, and the core building team are all meeting regularly and need God's leading for decisions.
-For unity and expectancy among the people of our church as we labor to make God known to those around us.

Building Team Still Meeting

None of us could have anticipated what the past couple of months have entailed for our country, our community, and our ability to meet toget...