Look at the progress! The demo crew was amazed by how much rebar was in the structures, and because of it, they had to crunch away at the concrete walls and roof more slowly than originally anticipated. But the hotel buildings are down! The property will look much like this for the next week or two as the demolition machines must be pulled away for some other jobs with tight deadlines. But they will be back in the coming weeks to finish clean up of the site.
Other news is that the core building team is in the process of procuring an architect to work on initial concept design drawings. In preparation for that work, the team is finishing up a large pre-design document that will be given to the architect team. The document is a culmination of much of the work and analysis done to this point as it seeks to outline space requirements and needs, goals, and values for each ministry space. Please be praying for continued wisdom and discernment as we edit and finalize this step.
Thanks for reading, seeking to stay updated, and for praying! Know that the teams of people involved in the building project desire to keep communication open and flowing among our church body. If you have questions, thoughts, or just want to hear more, please reach out to a core building team member. Their names and photos are below.
Prayer requests
-That we would all continue to value the Gospel and people over programs and buildings
-May the buzz about what is happening at the property prompt conversations about God, church, and faith all across Manhattan
-That God would continue to guide and provide, writing a story through our church that only He can write
-Pray for energy and encouragement for the various teams and volunteers serving our church
Core Building Team Members
Cody and Hannah Canterbury |
Eric and Anna Nielson |
Justin and Kristey Wiebers |
Brad and Kira Buser |
Tony and Carmen Classen |
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