The Cultivating Team (capital campaign team) met for the first time this week, and we were excited to hear about their discussion and their desire to communicate a vision that invites people to be part of something more than a building. That team is made up of Bob and Sandie Anderson, Dick and Nancy Jaques, Jodi Pribyl, Robbie Nutter, Melissa Harstine, and Tony Classen. They have some great ideas and will begin meeting regularly to put together a plan.
If you joined us at the April 14th all-church update, you will recognize this slide summarizing the process that the Core Building Team is working through.
This week, the team eagerly transitioned from the ministry plan to taking a closer look at finances. Thankfully, with the knowledgeable Finance and Cultivating Teams in place, the Building Team doesn't need to camp out here for very long. We will be able to jump into the initial stages of the facility plan next week, recognizing that all of these plans are going to be worked out in tandem from this point forward. As we get a clearer picture of what space we might build, we will grasp the financial numbers associated with construction and, in turn, sustainment. Measuring those against the church's financial reality, we will then make adjustments back and forth across all of these plans. It will likely be a process of determining phases for the long-term plan, all the while, watching to see how God provides.
Also this week, we received what we needed from the city to move forward with publicly listing the North Building for sale! It will be listed locally as well as on national lists, in order to get it on the radar of commercial investors across the country. Please continue to pray for its sale.
The Gleaning Team efforts are officially wrapping up, and we are determining final opportunities to connect left-behind hotel items with people who could use them. If you haven't already, please make a point to thank these people for their work behind the scenes. Gleaning team members include Sandie Anderson, Dan Flippo, Nate Harstine, Jon Pagel, and Karyn Clanton.
With that step nearly done, we are arranging for demolition of the buildings we will not keep. The Riley County Police Department has contacted us, and they would like to use one of the hotel buildings for officer training. We are coordinating with them and intend to demo quickly after their training. That demolition date will be sometime in mid-June. There will be some easily visible changes coming to the property soon!
Thanks for continued prayers...
- for direction and clarity for all teams as plans are made and carried forward.
- for how God wants to use you and your gifts
- that we would remain unified as a church, healthily viewing the property as a tool for God's work through us.